Empowering Tomorrow

Welcome to Costa Renewables, where we pioneer off-grid solutions for a sustainable future. Our commitment lies in harnessing the power of innovation to provide reliable energy solutions that empower communities, businesses and households to thrive independently of traditional power grids.

Our mission

Our mission is clear: we strive to break the barriers of reliance on centralized power systems by offering cutting-edge off-grid solutions that are efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly.

Off-Grid Solutions for a Sustainable & Independent Future

From solar panels and wind turbines to energy storage systems and advanced microgrids, we offer a comprehensive suite of off-grid solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Whether you’re looking to power a (remote) village, a commercial facility, or your own home, we have the expertise and technology to make it happen.

Energy Storage Solutions

With our partner Admiraal Energy Solutions we provide Energy Storage Solutions from 100KWh and higher for industrial, agricultural and maritime industries.

Rain Water to Drinking Water System

Together with our partner Agua del Cielo we deliver Rainwater to Drinking Water System (WHO certified).

Circular Sewage Treatment System

Our Circulair Sewage Treatment Plants take circulair waste water to a new technology frontier. No filters so no microplastics. No need for outwatering fields.

Solar  & Wind Energy

As a one-stop-shop, Costa Renewables can offer you the full customized package to get your business off-grid, including high quality, high efficiency solar panels and wind turbines.

Why Choose Off-Grid Solutions?

Energy Independence: Say goodbye to power outages and utility bills. With off-grid solutions from Costa Renewables, you can take control of your energy production and consumption.

Resilience: In the face of natural disasters or grid failures, off-grid systems ensure that you have access to power when you need it most.

Environmental Sustainability: By harnessing renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, our solutions help reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Cost Savings: Investing in off-grid solutions not only lowers your long-term energy costs but also provides a solid return on investment as energy prices continue to rise.

We unburden – Cradle-to-Grave Services

We offer Costa Clarity: we say what we do and we do what we say. Our desire is to unburden clients and to do so, it is important to be transparent and offer clarity. It is also important to finish what we started and to deliver aftercare. We are part of the Renewable Global Network which means we are able to provide support globally with local expertise on short notice.


The collaboration with transport and import & export handlers in the main global hub ports (Rotterdam, Panama, Singapore) ensures that the team from Costa Renewables can get any installation at any location.  This is how we unburden our clients.


Our technical support teams are able to install the renewable systems once they have arrived on the location. They will not leave your property until the installation is working and delivering at your needs.


We keep supporting the systems after installation. We offer aftercare and different maintenance packages. Our responsibility is to make sure the renewable sources are delivering at your needs. Our goal is to keep up to that responsibility.

Ready to make the switch to off-grid energy?
Contact us today to learn more about our customizable solutions and
how we can help you embark on your journey towards energy independence and sustainability.

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